What the Hell is Heathenism?

I’m a Heathen.

OK…So what the hell is that supposed to mean?

Well, for starters, it means exactly what it says. I am not a Christian, not a Moslem, not a Jew. But, I’m not exactly an Atheist, either.

In some ways, being a Heathen is a lot like being a Hindu. The difference is that Heathenism is a distinctly Western, specifically Northern European variation of Sanatana Dharma.

If you really want to know what a Heathen is, try to imagine some kind of beef eating, beer swilling, bareknuckle Tantric Buddhist. Then maybe you’ll start to get an idea of what a Heathen might be.

Picture a Viking Berserker Warrior, born a thousand years too late and trying hard to make some sense out of life in the twenty-first century. Then maybe you’ll begin to understand.
