Toward Integration

I’ve hardly had the time to reflect on matters spiritual of late, let alone the privacy needed to sit down and write.

The birth of my son last October has brought me a greatly enhanced feeling of connectedness. Suddenly, I really feel like a part of my own family in a way I never have before. Just as strangely, I find myself really caring about the future of humanity independantly of how that relates to me.

Things have been changing at work, too. After a semingly interminable period of stagnation, things have suddenly become much more exciting and challenging, and yet also much less certain and secure.

My personal, professional and spiritual lives have always remained somewhat seperate. I wear different masks in each. And yet, on some level, I’ve always understood that ultimately I would need to integrate my selves to truly feel whole as a person.

I’ve not yet figured out a way to reconcile the fundamental conflicts in my own personality, but I sometimes feel as though I’m getting close, and it is becoming increasingly clear that spirituality is something for which one needs to make time.

This is me making time.

Distracted and confused, with more questions than answers, but making time.

Aum Wotan.

2 thoughts on “Toward Integration

  1. Wow. You know, I was thinking about just the same themes today, about the task of integrating my spiritual and personal lives. At the moment I just avoid the whole subject of my spirituality with most people; and recently I completely freaked out an acquaintance by pointing him in the direction of some of my ghost-experience related articles on this site! Yet I feel it has to come, this notion of integration…and so it will, for both our sakes!


  2. Actually, talking to people at work about spirituality is not something I’m really worried aout anymore. I’ve already figured out a few ways of doing that without lying nor freaking anybody out. (And Californians are fairly forgiving of odd religious beliefs.)

    What I’m really concerned with is reconciling what I do with what I believe, and my profesional life with my personal life.

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