Western Martial Arts Part Seven: Fencing

“I have formal training in Fencing and informal training in Broadsword and Kendo. I have fought Kali/Escrima and practiced against it as well. In practice only, I have gone up against Okinawan and Iaido. I have seen Hindu and Shaolin forms in action. But in my opinion, the best way to learn basic stick-fighting technique is through Western Fencing. It’s easy to learn and it’s a bitch to get around.”
Marc “Animal” MacYoung.

If there’s one thing all us Heathens have in common, it’s our love of history. A little while ago, I expressed my opinion that “Martial Arts training is the ideal form of Yoga for Heathenism.” Now let me take that thought one step further…

Historical Western Martial Arts are the most natural choice for a Heathen Combat Discipline.

The first thing anyone should do in the Martial Arts is go out and learn some basic, no-frills Self Defence. You should not even consider the “art” side until you’ve learned how to stay out of trouble…and what to do when trouble comes looking for you.

The second step anyone should take, in my opinion, is to go learn the basics of whatever full-contact combat sports are common in their geographical area. This sets the bar high. I look at the combat sports as a barrier test for the serious martial artist. This is not something you need to devote your entire life to, but if you want to become an “expert fighter” you’ll at some point need to step up and do some actual full-contact fighting.

But, strictly speaking, once you’ve gotten past the first step of learning basic self defence…after that your time is your own. There’s no reason why we can’t have a little fun in the gym. A little bit of wrasslin’ and some sword/cudgel/dagger play sounds like my idea of a good time. If it sounds like yours, you may just be a Heathen Martial Artist.

And who knows? Researching the ways of our ancestors…we may actually learn something.


If you don’t understand the distinction between Martial Arts, Combat Sports and Self-Defence, you need to read this article: http://www.nononsenseselfdefense.com/four_focuses.html

Now for the fun stuff!!!

The Society for Creative Anachronism

The Association for Renaissance Martial Arts

Some great articles…

A Filipino knife instructor with some nice things to say about Western Fencing.
(I wouldn’t mind taking some lessons from him, either.)

1 thought on “Western Martial Arts Part Seven: Fencing

  1. Have you heard of Paul Vunak and the Progressive Fighting System? I have his “Street Safe” videos which I practiced with my brother, pretty brutal stuff.
    He’s a Jeet Kune Do Sifu who developed a streamline system he taught to Nave SEALs, FBI ATF etc. I’m getting some money saved up and plan to take his basic course in the near future.
    Here’s the website if you’re curious


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