An Invocation to Mystery


I invite you to grasp
and transform me! Console me with
the unexpected, that which opens door
upon door of magical confusion. Let
your wit not falter, but lather me
in cascades of shimmering charm
and terror. Unveil your worst and
best in an infinite spiral that
circuits itself: end-beginning-end and again.

Defy the narratives encrusted
in the weary sediment of habit, boredom,
and sure expectation. Grace not with
forgetfulness but rather slice with
the cold blade of spirit into the
meaty flesh of life. Be thou no
astringent, but let the red flow
freely to shade and enliven the deep
grooves of your mysteries.

Crack the armor of halfway
and conditions and ambivalence. Set
the course firmly for life in her richest
fertility, her warmest smile, her
graceful savagery, her perplexing delight.

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