Tearing the Veil of the Mentally Blind

From the mentally blind come ideas that are poison; take away the power, a shallow person you will find.

What would you do without your pathetic narrow-minded approach to life that reflects your lack of abilities?

– “Mentally Blind,” Death (Chuck Schuldiner)

I could just post these two quotes from the above-mentioned song, but perhaps laboring the point is warranted.

The more that Trump and his cronies lash out, the more empty and pathetic they feel. The more pathetic and empty they feel, the more they lash out. The more they cultivate the cowardice of ‘ends justify means,’ the more they abandon faith in inner spiritual power and embrace their slavery to the veil of Maya. ‘I can only feel ok if you do exactly what I want, and I want you to go away forever!’ What contemptible weakness.

Thus the genesis of the endless hyperbole, straight from the Hitlerian playbook: make the lie ridiculous enough and people will start to believe it. Keep them caught up in their anxiety, fear, confusion, and anger and you can make them do whatever you want: “those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities” (Voltaire).

Eventually the edifice of tyranny, the tower of xenophobia, paranoia, racism, sexism, undisciplined militarism, and above all the funneling of ever more wealth into ever fewer hands, will fall. The more engorged this leech of arrogance becomes, the more explosive will be its demise. That’s bad, because the rest of us will be the collateral damage.

So fight these small-minded, shallow scumbags. Defeat them before they reach terminal bloat detonation. Fight the infectious stupidity that they seek to promulgate. Fight their pathetic, narrow-minded approach to life that reflects their lack of abilities.

Now, more than ever, magic must be marshaled against the buffoon brigade: the Trump administration and all the white supremacists who have forgotten that the Nazis lost World War II because their philosophy is weak.

Magic must be marshaled to shatter Trump’s mange-riddled egregore of mediocrity and hatred. The rabid pig must be dealt with, and magic must play its part.

Magic must be marshaled, with fierce and unrelenting delight. Delight in the downfall of the jotun in the White House, in the downfall of all his twisted hypocrisy, delight in the technicolor possibilities of a world wrested from the clutches of late-stage authoritarian capitalism.

A simple enough sigil will suffice: Thurisaz Jera Tiwaz. Add a valknut to conjure the blessing of the master of death. Invoke with delighted fury and banish with furious mirth.

2 thoughts on “Tearing the Veil of the Mentally Blind

  1. Interesting post, perhaps in time to benefit the implementation of the asinine socialism proffered by the far left?
    Historically, Socialism, et al, has proven to be a real Panacea?

    Please fix the Captcha “gotcha” on your “Contact” page! ;^)


  2. The temptation to divide the world into irreconcilable opposites is a significant barrier to social harmony. Trumpism IS socialism, just that it means funneling vast swathes of tax-payer dollars into a small number of hands via the military-industrial complex, etc. Since the US is stuck with socialism, might as well have socialism that supports the bulk of the people paying for the government, rather than just overfeeding the bloated parasites at the top who are under Trump scoring enormous tax cuts.

    And honestly, why would we want the current status quo to get any worse before we try to make it better? “Better the devil you know” is straight up Stockholm Syndrome, and Trumpism trades heavily on it…

    Actually, but fuck all that too, because I’m not a socialist anyway, I just can’t see how to make anarchism a thing with legs at this point in human history :(

    Oh, and thanks for the heads up on the contact page! It is now fixed.

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