God and the Devil

The entire universe is alive and everything is interconnected.

And if there was ever anything worthy of being called the One True God, then the Living Universe would be it.

And if the entire universe is alive and everything is interconnected and we call that God; then that means that we are inside of God and we are part of him/her/it!

Or, as a Hindu might put it – I am God and so are you!

Most people that have this realization seem to then somehow infer that this unity with God implies that we should unconditionally love everything and be kind to everyone. Hence the assertion “God is Love”.

I rebel against this notion consciously, intellectually and emotionally. Or, to put it another way, I think it’s a bunch of bullshit!

The fact that everything is interconnected does not imply that feeding your children will somehow fill my belly. What I do affects you and what you do affects me, but that does not actually mean that we are one and the same person. What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is yours…and it’s going to stay that way until I decide to make what’s yours also mine.

So don’t try to give me any of that “what’s mine is yours” crap, because I’m not falling for it!

To continue with our previous metaphor…

If the entire universe is alive and everything is interconnected
and we call that God
and we realize that we are all one with God
and that God is Love
but then I reject that knowledge
and I insist on remaining separate and selfish
and I reserve the right to love, hate and discriminate as I will…
then I guess that I must be the Devil.

For what else could the Devil be, if not the individual self who rejects the unity of all?

Which I happen to think is really a pretty cool idea, actually, because it means that now I get to be God and the Devil!

And so do you! All you have to do is reject oneness and just be yourself. How awesome is that?

Man…if you thought realizing oneness with God was an ego boost, just wait ‘til you’ve tried being the Devil for a few days. It’s great. I’ve been at it for years and I can’t get enough of it!

Hail Chaos!
Viva Loki!
Aum Satan!

1 thought on “God and the Devil

  1. Though, I must admit, I’m still perfectly willing to realize oneness with the universe when it suits my purposes.

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