Aum Wotan

I never really wanted to be an Odin’s man.

If I had any choice in the matter, I probably would have dedicated to Tyr ten years ago. But, I’ve never really been able to get Tyr “on the phone” as it were, and an excessive focus on Warriorhood has long since proven to be unhealthy for me.

My flirtation with Loki has proven to be rewarding in a number of ways. Loki’s opened a lot of doors for me, pointed out a lot of ideas I’d missed. Intellectually, Loki seems the perfect choice of deity for a “Discordian Heathen with Satanic Tendencies”. In the end, though, Loki feels more like a best buddy and “partner in crime” than a spiritual mentor.

While I’m at it, I probably ought to give Thor a little more credit. He’s done me a couple of solids that I really haven’t earned. Nor repaid, now that I think about it.

But, for some reason, all roads seem to lead back to Odin.

When I first began to learn about Asatru, I suppose, the idea of dedicating to Odin seem a little too obvious, too predictable. In retrospect it seems more inevitable that I would one day call myself an Odin’s man. Odin represents everything that is important to me.

Poet. Warrior. Shaman. Transhumanist.

Odin’s appeal is both primal and futurist, specific and yet universal. It’s easy to envision interstellar cults dedicated to Odin, a thousand years hence. It’s equally easy to recognize the Odinic spirit in some of the most primitive forms of Hindu Saivite Tantrism.

Odin is everywhere and yet is clearly not for everyone.

Hail Odin.


4 thoughts on “Aum Wotan

  1. “Discordian Heathen with Satanic Tendencies” – I really had to laugh about that one. And as for Loki: I like Edred’s idea that he is the “shadow” (in a Jungian sense) of Ódhinn.

    He carved the Runes into our Souls. He’s our Master and embodies everything to which we aspire. He’s our God.

    “My heart it stood restless
    And I knew not why
    Memory’s spark was there
    A twinkling of the eye
    I heard the thunder and saw the flash
    The stormy sky did speak
    A voice whispered to my soul:
    You are not of the meek

    Ways of the eastern stranger
    Are not yours to bear
    You have heard the raven speak
    And seen the eagle’s stare
    Battle’s pain and skald’s words
    Horn of flowing mead
    Steps along the lonely path
    Where waits the eight-legged steed…

    Lost no more to time and place
    For I have seen the land
    I have heard the valkyrie’s song
    And I’ve touched Odin’s hand”

    (Ian Read)

  2. I thought you might like that line.

    My best friend from high school had a very Loki-like personality. Odin and Loki always remind me of myself and Matt. (Synchronicity?)

    That’s a great poem. I’ve never listened to Ian Read’s music, but I might have to hunt some up now.

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