Getting My Act Together

I’ve always believed in the principle that a healthy mind requires a healthy body. I haven’t always practiced what I’ve preached but when I’ve stayed from the path, my experiences have always served to reconfirm that initial premise. I need to be in shape physically if I want to function well mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I used to be a Bouncer. I ended up leaving that life because I’d come to realize that the bar-scene is not exactly a healthy environment to live and work in. (Sometimes I catch on a little slow.) These days I work as a Personal Trainer. I got into the fitness industry expecting to find it a much healthier environment. It is, kinda, but not so much as you’d think.

Now, before I go off on some kind of stupid rant about everything that’s wrong with the health, fitness and nutrition industries, I better put in that I take full responsibility for my own physical and mental well being. I’ve found that to be the only useful attitude to take on the matter. Suffice it to say that I’m not in anything like the kind of condition I want to be in, which brings me to my point…

I am thirty-one years old and I have a few oaths to make.

1. I will get at least one hour of physical exercise every day.

2. I will strive to eat and drink right every day.

3. I will learn to relax.

Notice I haven’t put any time limit on these resolutions? That’s because these are for life.

Note that I fully expect to stumble on the path, and occasionally fall. I resolve to pick myself up and carry on.

Note that number three is likely to be the most difficult for me, personally (because I’m no longer willing to count getting drunk as a form of relaxation). I’ll find a way.

There are plenty of other oaths I could make. Indeed, there are plenty I should make but I need to keep things simple for now. Stick to the basics.

There is, however, one more special oath I would like to make. This one is just for me…

4. I will spend at least twenty minutes on some form of martial arts practice every day.

With all of cyberspace as my witness, these things I pledge.

And let my word be my bond.

Clinton James McDowall

1 thought on “Getting My Act Together

  1. I salute you. I have similar changes to make. It seems to me that when relaxation & wakefulness are established, everything else will follow.

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