Another Rite of Warrior Initiation

Become a hunter.

Select an appropriately large, powerful, wild animal. Track and kill it.

Smear your cheeks with the blood.

Bleed and butcher your own fresh kill. Roast and eat the heart. Drink of the blood. Take into yourself all of the strength and spirit of the beast.

Hail Chaos! Viva Loki! Aum Wotan!

2 thoughts on “Another Rite of Warrior Initiation

  1. Wow! This is really mind-blowing. I guess too tough for many so-called ‘cilvilzed’ people. Even if KZ-chickens are killed far more disgraceful. My polish great-grandfather was a hunter. If shooting the animal is permitted, such a ritual could be arranged. Though I imagine the rite to invoke REALLY archaic power, if one would kill it with a bow, or even a spear. But then again, one must really know what to do (how to kill without causing unnecessary suffering to the animal). It bears testimony to the hypocrisy & alienation of our modern times that such a ritual will be regarded by most people as ‘barbarian’/ cruel, while the same people eat meat, but cannot tolerate facing the fact that industrial livestock farming is far crueler & disgraceful than such an Initiation Rite.

    Thanks for sharing this with us.

  2. Exactly!

    The difficulty, danger and primal brutality is the point. If the rite could be made safe and civilized, it would lose all meaning.

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