The Journeybook

If the doors of perception were cleansed,
everything would appear as it is – infinite.
St. William Blake

In my last post I have stressed the importance of the psychedlic experience for my first contact with magickal consciousness that has become kind of my entrance into Neo-Paganism & Thelema. As I said I do not think that most people use these sacred plants in a beneficial way, but some do. And I still have a sentimental love for the psychedelic subculture. I find it’s great when some individuals explore the strange & wyrd pathways of consciousness through the gateways of psychedelic plants and create documents (if that be music, books or art) of their adventurous journeys into the anima mundi.

I don’t know what has been the exact role of sacred plants in Heathenism, but I once read in a book by Christan Rätsch that the Mead of the berserkers had only 2% alcohol & the really active contingents have been psychoactive substances of sacred plants (maybe also including Psilocybin mushrooms, he suggests). However, I found this interesting book by the Australian- based art collective Undergrowth, who have released The Journeybook.

“…To say what has never been said, to see what has never been seen,… to push the envelop of creativity and language…” Terence McKenna

3 thoughts on “The Journeybook

  1. The “active ingredient” in berserkergangr is adrenaline, but that doesn’t mean that drugs don’t have other uses. Without ecstasy, I might never have learned how to dance.

    That book looks nice.

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