Chaos Heathen?

As with questions relating to “black magic” I’m tempted to ask “Is there any other kind?”

But I’m teasing, of course. There are many legitimate varieties of Heathenism, just as there were many different cults in Ancient Greece and Rome just as there are many variations of Hinduism. (Four or six “orthodox” schools, depending on who you ask.)

Actually, this sense of intellectual freedom and openness is a big part of what drew me towards the greater Indo-European Tradition in the first place. It’s the exact opposite of the rigidity, dogmatism and anti-intellectual authoritarianism that characterizes the Abrahamic Traditions.

So I’m kind of baffled that it would be necessary for us to make a distinction between what we’re doing here and “plain vanilla” Heathenism. As if Heathen automatically means “strict historical reconstructionist”. Since when?

I certainly didn’t become Heathen out of some sense of racial obligation, or desire to turn back the clock. I consider myself a Heathen because the Norse Mythos appeals most closely to my sense of life. I never made a decision to convert to Heathenism. Rather, like Donovan, I have slowly come to realize that a Heathen is what I’ve always been. No reconstruction required.

But, what the Hell? Chaos Heathenism has a nice ring to it. It implies the right combination of sinister, primitive and reptilian. Nice call Henry, well spoken. I like it.


2 thoughts on “Chaos Heathen?

  1. G’Day Clint,

    Thanks for the positive thoughts there.

    I agree that calling ourselves “Chaos Heathens” shouldn’t be necessary. I’m coming to believe that our attitude towards this whole heathen thing is probably truer to the way people saw things “back in the day” than the more “straight” modern approaches to heathenism anyway.

    After Arminius the Cherusci defeated the Romans at the battle of Teutoberg Forest, he attempted to make himself the king of all the assembled German tribes who had gathered to resist the Roman attack. It was like he wanted to be a German Caesar.

    The chieftains wouldn’t have a bar of it and promptly assassinated him.

    Then they went back to the organic order of tribal life that had served so well up to that point.

    I reckon that’s the Germanic spirit *I’m* interested in. Let one hundred fractals bloom!


  2. Political Decentralization. Epistemological Anarchism. Order out of Chaos.

    It’s all about Freedom, baby, I knew you could dig it!

    Heil Chaos!
    Viva Loki!
    Aum Wotan!

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